September 9, 2020

Lauren Clemett

Have you ever won a business award?
Perhaps you’ve thought about it?
Maybe you think awards like this a just a big ego trip?
I believe an award is a great way to boost your personal brand.


Not only is it evidence that an independent panel of judges considers what you are doing is pretty darn good, it also gives you an increased sense of value and self belief.

Being an entrepreneur or running a business is often a hard, lonely road. Being recognised for doing something well can be all it takes to rocket your expectations of what’s really possible.

We recently added a new service to the Personal branding Programs we run, that includes how to enter win and leverage awards to boost you, your brand and your business.

I am a national and international award winning and an awards judge and I teamed up with Publicity genie Annette Densham who is a multi-national and international award winner and awards judge for over 5 years to create the Award Winning Accelerator.

Here are the top 14 Award Winning Tips we created from the comments of award winners at the Award Winning Lunch and on the Award Winning Adventure to collect our Women In Business Stevie Awards in New York…

Award Winning Tip 1: WIN!

Winning awards is all about preparation, planning and understanding the process. To have the best chance of. Not just entering but winning an award it’s vital you read the entry and take note of the expectations and requirements, consider what the judges want and don't leave it too late. The real win when you enter awards, is that you get the opportunity to review your progress, your journey and what you have achieved. Your entry then becomes a business plan, grant application, or template to enter more awards. It can also become part of your brand story, so make sure you put in the effort and put your best foot forward.

“I didn’t think I’d have any chance with one award and I ‘ummed and aahed” for weeks. Then with just a few hours to spare, I decided to submit an entry. I was successful but it was incredibly stressful and I don’t recommend you do it that way.” Trish Springsteen

Award Winning Tip 2: Choose!

If you are leading change, developing technology or transforming lives, your award can boost your profile. So it’s vital you decide what you want your award to stand for and the influence you want to have. So choose your niche and category by the one that makes the most sense to you and your brand as well as your ideal prospect and those you wish to impact.

“Winning Awards inspires others, builds your profile in the community and elevates you as a competent leader in your industry” Des Walsh

Award Winning Tip 3: Action!

The only surefire way to miss out on winning an award, is not entering. So many people hold off, worried that they aren’t ready, haven’t been around long enough, or don't have enough success yet to enter. Not only are there start-up and innovation awards, the judges want to know your story and the challenges you are dealing with, so you can start entering awards even if you are a newbie.

“There is no right time to decide to enter awards, and there is no point waiting until you are ready, just get over yourself and go for it!” Lauren Clemett

Award Winning Tip 4: Credibility

Abraham Lincoln once said, you can’t believe everything you see on the internet, and he was right.
Saying you are good at what you do and having an independent panel of judges confirm you are doing something right are two totally different things.Awards are like the Intel inside your business, creating trust and elevating your level of expertise.
They also celebrate those around you who have contributed to your success and reflect the value of your entire team and business.

“Awards are not just about you, they are for your team, your clients and your credibility. In a World of fake news, an award gives you an edge that can be trusted”. Annette Densham.

Award Winning Tip 5: Hope

Running your own business, starting something new or simply innovating or standing out from others can be tough. It certainly isn’t a straight road to success, there are many ups and plenty of downs as you follow your entrepreneurial journey. Winning an award feels great! There is no denying the rush of adrenaline and hit of dopamine. As an award winner you can tap into the knowledge that you are doing great, and that it feels wonderful to push yourself, grow and take on the challenges that come your way

“I always felt awards were a bit of an ego trip and never really considered how they can create positive self esteem and self-belief, especially when you are an entrepreneur who has to drive yourself and keep your own spirits up.” - Lauren Clemett

Award Winning Tip 6: Motivate!

Business is tough and the road to success is not straight, it has bumps and bends and potholes. Every time you look at the award you win, you remind yourself you are on the right track, you have done something awesome and you deserve a massive pat on the back for what you do. An award teaches you tenacity and helps you realise you are doing something bigger than just you and motivates you to keep going, doing your best, through tough times and good.

“Entering awards motivates you to keep going!” Kathy Ashton

Award Winning Tip 7: Validation

Let’s face it, business can be tough…so you need too take every opportunity you can to boost your self belief and confidence. When you win an award, an independent panel of judges has decided that you are worthy of recognition that you are doing something pretty special.
The #1 reason to enter an award is to validate your purpose, passion and expertise. After all, the only person you need to convince that you are good enough, is you!

“Winning awards can be validation for you, your business and all those around you who have supported you” - Michael Yacoub,

Award Winning Tip 8: Mastery!

An award validates your expertise and experience, making it easy for others to respect you for what you do best, but also indicates you are a master at what you do to lift the profile of your business and those who are part of your World.

“Everything you do in life is about being the best you can be, and that includes entering and winning awards. believe in yourself and just do it!” - Michael Yacoub

Award Winning Tip 9: Connect!

You become the same as those you surround yourself with, so by entering awards, you are in the company of extraordinary people! When you enter awards, you get to network with awesome innovators and leaders, so make the most of it.

“I was a finalist in the recent Australian Business Women Awards and it certainly has connected me with some incredible female entrepreneurs.” - Leonie Fitzgerald

Award Winning Tip 10: Confidence

We all have that ‘itty-bitty-shitty-committee’ inside our heads telling us we are not worthy, that any minute now you will be found out as a fraud! People buy confidence, and awards not only give them the confidence to know they are working with an expert, an award also boosts your self-confidence that you are doing something that a panel of independent judges think is worthy.

“I am a finalist in the upcoming Stevie Awards in New York after being nominated. To get to this stage alone, it has given me a massive confidence boost.” - Becca McGregor

Award Winning Tip 11: Open Doors!

As an award winner, you get put into the spotlight and people start to notice you more, including those who are the big decision makers and leaders in your industry.
This creates the opportunity for you to affiliate and joint venture at levels previously unobtainable. So start thinking about who you'd like to work with most!

“Since we won awards we have had the industry body approach us to help them work on their diversity. You definitely create opportunities by winning awards, so don't hold back” - Helen Yost, Tradettes

Award Winning Tip 12: Create An Impact!

Winning awards gives you the opportunity to profile your cause, create awareness and inspire others. You can leverage the award to do something bigger than yourself.

“Knowing that you want to do something bigger to enrich others and that awards are the platform to enable you to make a difference” - Belinda Dolan.

Award Winning Tip 13: Use It!

Winning awards is a winning business tool!. You’ve just gathered all the information about your achievements to enter and award, now repurpose them into your business plan, grant submission, media release, or to enter another award!

"Entering awards helps you evaluate your business, your processes and who you are, and it’s actually good fun!” - Belinda Dolan., Clariti Group

Award Winning Tip 14: Go For It!

Don't let your self-doubt hold you back and stop thinking awards are just an ego trip. They can and do open opportunities and doors you never even knew were there!

“Have a mission for something greater than yourself and you will have the courage to go for awards”. Helen Yost, Tradettes

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The Audacious Award Winning Workbook

Everything you need to leverage your award including crafting an awesome acceptance speech, leveraging checklist, award story ideas, hero story template, leveraging opportunities and a marketing action plan.

Lauren Clemett

Lauren is an International Award-Winning Personal Branding Specialist with over 30 years experience in brand management working within world-leading advertising agencies including Saatchi & Saatchi, Ogilvy and Clemenger BBDO. A five-time bestselling author and International Award Winning Neurobranding expert, she uses her dyslexia disability as her greatest asset - helping entrepreneurs understand how the brain sees brands.

She is also a keen sailor, golfer and vodka quality control expert.

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