Case Study – Autism MATES

Autism MATES is all about creating opportunities for autistic individuals. It was founded by Randa Habelrih after her son Richard experienced horrific bullying at school. She knew there had to be a better way for young people on the spectrum to feel valued and included.

Heres their story:

Autism MATES is a proactive approach to exclusion and bullying with a peer-to-peer social inclusion program for young people with autism who are experiencing social challenges.

Our leadership program is structured around a very deliberate, paired friendship with a proactive rather than a reactive solution to exclusion

MATES empowers those with autism to believe they can make a real and powerful difference in their community. We nurture and promote leadership skills; skills that they will carry with them as they leave school and enter the wider world.

As any not for profit organisation knows, funding is paramount to success and the credibility of awards has enabled us to form major joint venture partnerships and access grants and funding opportunities. In order to reach our audience we also need to be seen and noticed, and to get our message of inclusivity across, the media coverage has been vital to our growth.

Here's how Randa and Richard are building the Autism MATES profile:

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