September 4, 2020

Lauren Clemett

Most years I set goals, usually in the first week of January.

But in 2017 we didn't...

..and this is what happened...


Our annual goal setting activity kicked off after we watched a live goal setting webinar with Brendan Burchard seven years ago.

That entailed getting up at 3am New Years Day and it set a path for what followed.

From surviving near bankruptcy and struggle, and getting married when we had nothing, to founding global businesses, partnering with awesome people and lots of overseas travel.

So what happened with our goals in 2017.

Oddly enough we didn't sit down and set goals last year.

We didn't make specific plans. 

Instead I chose a word for the year...Trust.

I decided instead of pushing and hustling, planning and stressing, I'd allow it to happen.

And funnily enough, this year I've  achieved amazing things, that weren't even in my mind back in January!

And it's been A WHOLE LOT less stressful.

Don't get me wrong, we still have very clear BHAGs - big hairy audacious goals, because we need to visualise where we are going.

The brain needs an emotive image to remain focused, otherwise it gets distracted and you can easily loose your way.

And yes of course for time management and productivity we needed to plan our diaries too.

But there wasn't a scramble to achieve goals just because we'd set them, or the threat of doomed failure hanging over our heads.

The actions we took were aligned with our long term quest, but they were natural processes and alliances with the right people.

Some would argue that failure is good, it teaches you, that it's not failure, it's an opportunity to learn.

But it does get to a point where you get tired of failing, you get fed up with rejection and you just wish life was easier.

You wish you could just get off the crazy rollercoaster.

Then the bumps along the way wouldn't hurt so much and you could begin enjoying the journey instead.

On reflection of our goal-less year, the standout aspects of 2017 were the places we went and the people we worked with.

Of course the awards we received for what we did were the icing on top.

Even they were overshadowed by the joy of seeing those around us succeed as much as we did.

The simple pleasure of waking up grateful and being happy, rather than seeking and searching for constant success, has been liberating.

Along with the total realisation that success is not a goal, it's a process.

So many New Year resolutions are broken and dreams fade, not because they are unachievable, but because they become irrelevant as you grow into your personal brand.

Things change...That's the natural order and something you can bet on.

This time next year, you will not be the same as you are now.

So forget about pressuring yourself with specific goal setting and meticulous planning.

Yes, be organised and be clear about your intentions, but I dare you to not set lots of goals this New Year.

Instead, keep your eye on the bigger picture of being well known for doing what you do incredibly well, on your expertise - the things you do naturally that inspire and positively impact others.

If you know what that is, you are already a success.

This time next year, you will not be the same as you are now.

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Lauren Clemett

Lauren is an International Award-Winning Personal Branding Specialist with over 30 years experience in brand management working within world-leading advertising agencies including Saatchi & Saatchi, Ogilvy and Clemenger BBDO. A five-time bestselling author and International Award Winning Neurobranding expert, she uses her dyslexia disability as her greatest asset - helping entrepreneurs understand how the brain sees brands.

She is also a keen sailor, golfer and vodka quality control expert.

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