February 11, 2020

Audacious Agency

There are a few business awards out there that ask you to get votes.

That can feel awkward and icky. Like paying for someone to be your friend.

There are lots of ways to genuinely ask for support:


1. Attitude

It may be cliche, but success starts and ends between your ears. Stop putting yourself down and embrace the fact that you are brilliant and worthy of an award. If someone has an issue with you doing well, send them to me. I'll sort them out.

2. Send An Email To Your List

Hey (name), something really exciting has happened; I've been nominated for an award. Winners are selected through voting so, if you have a spare couple of minutes, would you support me? Here is the link. All you have to do is .... I would really love to win this award as I have worked hard this year doing (outline your achievements)..... Thanks so much.

3. Link On Social

KIS - keep it simple. Post a link on your social media profiles with an explanation of the award. People can choose is they want to support you or not.

4. Video - Tell Your Story

Most people are happy to support others in business especially those of us in business; we know what goes into making it. Share the video on your page and into groups like this.

5. Don't Be A Dick - Be Humble And Grateful

Most of us have a finely tuned BS detector so we know when someone is not being authentic. Be real in your dealings with people on social media and in 'real life'. Tell people what the award is for and how to meet the criteria. I love seeing people prosper and win, so will go out of my way to support them.

Get The Most Audacious Marketing Action Planner

To find out more about the most audacious marketing action planner and how it can help you avoid overwhelm and stand out in 2020.

The Audacious Award Winning Workbook

Everything you need to leverage your award including crafting an awesome acceptance speech, leveraging checklist, award story ideas, hero story template, leveraging opportunities and a marketing action plan.

Audacious Agency

A powerful blend of personal branding and publicity expertise and know-how, these two international award-winning specialists provide tangible insight and action steps to help you stand out and shine.

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